Sunday 16 June 2013

Sinclair ZX Spectrum Games

Oh Duchess, why art thou so geeky?  Answer?  I really couldn't tell you - perhaps it was because I was the only girl sandwiched between two brothers or simply because: I just am.  Actually, my brother visited this morning and told me all about the ZX Spectrum Minder game which is available via walkthrough through the magical medium of YouTube:

So, what's it all about?  Well, the Minder game pretty much aped the crazy antics of the popular late 1970s-1990s Thames TV show - i.e. it was a bit of duckin' and divin', wheelin' and dealin' and any other kind of activity which forces a writer to forgo the end of a word and replace it with an apostrophe.  Basically you had to buy and sell items to the various dealers whilst keeping Terry sweet and avoiding the hassle of Sgt Chisholm.  The pixellated graphics were very 80s, but that's par for the course.  Probably the best bit was the fist coming towards you when a dealer got 'turned over' but the 'filth' and you (aka Arthur Daley) got a knuckle sandwich as a result; this was unless, of course, you paid the faithful Terry to mind you for the princely sum of £50 per day.  Oh, memories!

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