Monday 19 August 2013

Socialising With The Cultureseekers

Regular readers of this blog whom I can only assume have built up some kind of idea of my personality will know that I like to get out and about as much as I can, family commitments allowing.  However, I keep finding that I'm getting let down on a fairly regular basis, I'm not sure whether this is an age thing, but it's getting more difficult to schedule things with friends for a myriad of reasons and I for one am getting really annoyed about it.  Anyway, not being one who mopes around for long I decided to search the web to see what alternatives there were and lo and behold I found an umbrella organisation called Meetup: which brings together a whole load of social networks across the world.  I am using the term 'social network' in its purest form, I mean actually physically meeting people, not simply posting banal things on Facebook to a group of people you probably don't really have much in common with, let alone actually see any longer.

The group which really appealed is called the Cultureseekers: who are based in London and organise a whole host of events in and around the capital, some are day trips to places a bit further out, but generally it's fairly London centric.  Wow! I thought as I scrolled through the calendar of events, that's exactly what I'm after, so I downloaded the app and signed up, ironically using my Facebook log in.  Full membership is £10 per annum, but I think that's very reasonable as many of the group events save you money in the long run and it's not really run for profit.  I signed up for a trip to Constable Country on Saturday, 17th August and read my next post to discover how that panned out....

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